Fatra has decided to officially support the NELEŽ initiative, which stands against the spread of disinformation in online advertising. The main objective is to cut off disinformation and manipulative websites from advertising and to focus on media that works professionally, objectively and with relevant information. The association has been created by professionals from the field …more
This is the website of the company Fatra, a.s., with its registered office Napajedla, třída Tomáše Bati 1541, ZIP Code 76361, Company ID.: 27465021, registered in the Companies Register at the Regional Court in Brno, Part B, Insert 4598. The company Fatra, a.s., is a part of the AGROFERT Group managed by the company AGROFERT, a.s., ID.: 26185610, seated on the address Pyšelská 2327/2, Chodov, 149 00 Praha 4. © 2024 Fatra, a.s. • All rights reserved